If you live in the Antelope Valley, you know how easy it is to find a stray dog or cat. Now that you've found one, what do you do? Luckily, you found our cheat sheet!

If you have found a pet, one of your first stops should be a veterinarian's office. Ask them to scan the pet for a microchip. Be sure to write down the number! They may be able to get the pet home if the microchip has been registered.
Post your found pooch or kitty on these websites:
Palmdale Animal Shelter - https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/palmdale/
Lancaster Animal Shelter - https://animalcare.lacounty.gov/#section-1510707344568-5-9
Craigslist.org - Check under "Community" then "Lost & Found."
We recommend posting them on the following Facebook Pages and Groups as well:
Lost Dogs in the Antelope Valley - https://www.facebook.com/lostdogsintheantelopevalley
Rosamond and Mojave Lost and Found Pets - https://www.facebook.com/groups/RosamondMojaveLF
Hope For The Antelope Valley Angels - https://www.facebook.com/groups/Hope4AVAngels
Lost and Found Dogs of the Antelope Valley Network -
Lost and Found Dogs in the AV -
Antelope Valley Lost and Found Pets -
Los Angeles County Animal Care and Control - http://www.facebook.com/CountyofLosAngelesAnimalCare
If you don't find the pet's owner and can't keep them yourself, you might want to check out our Outreach Program. Use our expertise to your advantage! Our volunteers have placed hundreds of dogs and cats in new, loving homes and we would be happy to assist you in re-homing your pet or the pet you rescued