When finances are tight, it can make things difficult as a pet owner. You want to give them the best, but especially when unexpected veterinary bills come up, you may not have what you need. That's where Waggle comes in.
According to its website, "Waggle is a revolutionary crowdfunding model. Transparent, purposeful, and unprecedentedly successful. Its power exists in collaboration – we work side by side with you to create and run successful fundraisers. 100% of funds go directly to your pet’s care. To do this, we have brought together some of the finest minds in the veterinary profession and pet industry. And we’re going to help you save your pet’s life."
Its innovative crowdfunding platform allows the public to help pay your pet's veterinary bill. It also allows the money to go straight to the veterinarian's office from Waggle. That provides a level of security and comfort to the donor who may be concerned with where their money ultimately ends up.
Whether you want to sign up for help for your pet or to donate to a pet in need, visit for a free account today at https://waggle.org/.